I had the privilege of attending this year's Premier's Harmony Dinner on 14 March 2024, alongside many of my parliamentary colleagues and community leaders. As part of NSW's Multicultural March, the Premier's Harmony Dinner is an annual occasion where we come together to celebrate our rich cultural diversity and honour outstanding multicultural champions through the Premier's Multicultural Community Medals and inductees to the Multicultural Honour Roll. I was struck by the many remarkable success stories of multicultural communities and individuals, whose incredible contributions have played a significant role in fostering the harmonious and cohesive society we enjoy today. I extended my wholehearted congratulations to all the Multicultural Community Medals winners and inductees to the Multicultural Honour Roll for 2024. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Minister for Multiculturalism, and everyone involved in organising this memorable event. The harmonious ambience and the colourful cultural performances were a living tapestry of the beauty of our State's multiculturalism.
08 May 2024