18th Anniversary of Bloc 1706

18th Anniversary of Bloc 1706 Main Image

On the 6 September 2024, I had the pleasure of attending the 18th anniversary celebration of Bloc 1706, an organization dedicated to advocating for human rights in Vietnam. Bloc 1706 is a union of pro-democratic activists that focuses on promoting social justice for Vietnamese people through domestic and international efforts. They bring awareness to oppressed individuals and human rights abuse through campaigning and by gaining the support of other organisations and the wider community. The Vietnamese government incarcerates authors of publications and websites considered to undermine and oppose the Communist government. Activists facing criminal penalties can face up to 20 years in prison and are separated from their loved ones. Bloc 1706 frequently raises awareness and mobilises support for political prisoners deprived of their freedom of expression, pressuring the Vietnamese government for their release. The members of Bloc 1706 and the Vietnamese Australians continue to campaign for democracy and freedom for the people of Vietnam. Their efforts of paving the way for lasting change should be recognised. I would like to congratulate Bloc 1706 on their 18th anniversary and thank the current President Ms Nguyen Thi Nen for the warm invitation.