Cabramatta’s Key Issues

Tri is committed to addressing key issues that affect his community and working towards positive change. Here are just three of the many community issues Tri aims to address, and how he will tackle them.

Education and Schools

Having three kids himself, Tri understands the importance of quality education and fostering the development of young people in Cabramatta. Investing in education is crucial for the future success of our community, and Tri will actively work first-hand with local schools, parents, and teachers to understand what investment is needed to continue to improve the educational facilities and resources in his community.


The health and well-being of every individual in Cabramatta is of paramount importance to Tri. He understands the need for accessible and quality healthcare services in our community. Tri has always been, and will continue to be, a strong advocate for improving healthcare facilities, increasing the number of medical and health professionals, and expanding healthcare infrastructure, particularly Fairfield Hospital.

With NSW Labor already committing $115 million to major upgrades to Fairfield Hospital, Tri will continue to advocate to secure additional support for local healthcare facilities and providers.

Cost of Living Crisis

Living locally himself, Tri understands that the cost of living is a crisis impacting every single resident in Cabramatta. Tri will actively work with the NSW Labor Government to alleviate the financial burden faced by families and individuals in the electorate. He understands that action must be taken to support individuals facing the rising cost of housing, utilities, and daily necessities.

By engaging with local businesses, community organizations, and government agencies, Tri will explore strategies that promote affordability and economic stability. Tri will advocate for initiatives such as affordable housing projects, utility bill relief programs, and financial literacy resources to empower residents in managing their expenses effectively.

Tri Vo's dedication to addressing these key issues in Cabramatta showcases his commitment to the well-being and prosperity of his constituents. Through collaborative efforts, advocacy, and engaging with the community, he strives to create a better future where residents can thrive.